Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed: A Complete Guide

Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed: A Complete Guide


If you are a new parent or expecting a child, you might be wondering about the crib that turns into a full-size bed. It is a popular choice for parents who want to save money and space in the long run. In this article, we will discuss the different aspects of this type of crib and provide you with some tips and ideas to make the most out of it.

What is a Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed?

A crib that turns into a full-size bed is a convertible crib that can be transformed into a full-size bed for your growing child. It is designed to last for many years and can be used from infancy to adulthood. This type of crib is a cost-effective solution for parents who want to avoid purchasing a new bed for their child every few years.

Step by Step Guide on Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed

1. Start with a sturdy and durable crib that can be converted into a full-size bed. 2. Remove the front rail of the crib and store it safely for future use. 3. Adjust the mattress height to the lowest setting and use it as a toddler bed. 4. Add a guardrail to prevent your child from falling out of bed. 5. When your child is ready, remove the guardrail and attach the front rail of the crib to create a full-size bed. 6. Use a full-size mattress and bedding to complete the transformation.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas on Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed

1. Choose a crib that matches your style and decor, as it will eventually become a piece of furniture in your child’s bedroom. 2. Invest in a high-quality mattress that will provide comfort and support for years to come. 3. Use a waterproof mattress protector to keep the mattress clean and protected. 4. Add some fun and colorful bedding to make the bed more inviting for your child. 5. Use a bed rail or bumper to prevent your child from falling out of bed. 6. Encourage your child to help with the transformation process, as it can be a fun and exciting experience. 7. Use the crib as a daybed or a seating area in your child’s room when not in use. 8. Experiment with different bedding options to create a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment for your child. 9. Use the full-size bed as a guest bed when your child is not using it. 10. Consider adding some storage options, such as under-bed drawers or a bookshelf, to maximize space in your child’s room.

Pros and Cons of Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed

Pros: – Cost-effective solution for parents who want to avoid purchasing a new bed for their child every few years. – Saves space in your child’s room by eliminating the need for a separate bed. – Can be used from infancy to adulthood, making it a long-lasting investment. – Allows your child to have a sense of familiarity and comfort with their bed as they grow older. Cons: – May not be as sturdy or durable as a traditional full-size bed. – Can be difficult to transform from a crib to a full-size bed, especially for those who are not handy with tools. – May not match your child’s changing style and decor as they grow older.

My Personal Review on Crib That Turns Into Full Size Bed

As a parent, I found the crib that turns into a full-size bed to be an excellent investment for my child’s room. It saved us money and space in the long run, and it provided my child with a sense of familiarity and comfort as they grew older. However, the transformation process was a bit challenging, and we had to hire a professional to help us with it. Overall, I would highly recommend this type of crib to any parent who wants to save money and space without compromising on quality and comfort.

Question & Answer / FAQs

Q: At what age can I transform the crib into a full-size bed? A: You can transform the crib into a full-size bed when your child is around 2-3 years old and ready for a big-kid bed. Q: Can I use any full-size mattress for the bed? A: Yes, you can use any full-size mattress that fits the bed frame. Q: Can I still use the crib as a daybed or seating area after transforming it into a full-size bed? A: Yes, you can use the crib as a daybed or seating area in your child’s room when not in use.

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