Bathroom Sink P Trap Size: Everything You Need To Know

Bathroom Sink P Trap Size: Everything You Need To Know


Are you renovating your bathroom and wondering what size P trap you need for your sink? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide, top 10 tips and ideas, pros and cons, personal review, and frequently asked questions about bathroom sink P trap size.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Measure the distance between the sink drain and the wall. Step 2: Choose your P trap size based on the measurement. Step 3: Install the P trap by connecting it to the drain and the wall pipe.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas

1. Consider the style of your sink when choosing a P trap size. 2. Choose a P trap with a removable trap for easy cleaning. 3. Check local plumbing codes for minimum P trap size requirements. 4. Use flexible P traps for tight spaces. 5. Consider a decorative P trap for a stylish touch. 6. Choose a P trap with a cleanout plug for easy maintenance. 7. Use a P trap with a vent to prevent sewer gas from entering your bathroom. 8. Use a P trap with a longer arm for easier installation. 9. Choose a P trap with a compression fitting for a tight seal. 10. Consider hiring a professional plumber for complex installations.

Pros and Cons

Pros: – Prevents sewer gases from entering your bathroom. – Easy to install. – Available in various sizes and styles. – Can be easily replaced and maintained. – Affordable. Cons: – Can sometimes cause clogs if not cleaned regularly. – May need to be replaced over time.

Personal Review

After renovating my bathroom, I chose a decorative P trap with a removable trap for easy cleaning. The installation was simple, and it has held up well over time. I appreciate the stylish touch it adds to my sink area and the convenience of being able to clean it easily.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: What is a P trap? A: A P trap is a plumbing fixture that prevents sewer gases from entering your home through your sink drain. Q: What size P trap do I need for my bathroom sink? A: The size of the P trap you need depends on the distance between your sink drain and the wall. Measure the distance and choose a P trap that fits. Q: How do I install a P trap? A: Connect the P trap to the drain and the wall pipe, and tighten the connections. Make sure the P trap is level and secure. Q: How often should I clean my P trap? A: It is recommended to clean your P trap every 3-6 months to prevent clogs and maintain proper plumbing function.

Keeney 11/2in Plastic PTrap in the Under Sink Plumbing department at
Keeney 11/2in Plastic PTrap in the Under Sink Plumbing department at from