Breaking In Memory Foam Mattress: Tips And Tricks

Breaking In Memory Foam Mattress: Tips And Tricks


Getting a new memory foam mattress can be exciting, but it can also be frustrating when it feels too stiff or firm. Breaking in a memory foam mattress is essential for it to adjust and contour to your body, providing the ultimate sleeping experience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of breaking in a memory foam mattress, including tips, pros and cons, personal reviews, and FAQs.

Step-by-Step Guide for Breaking in Memory Foam Mattress

Step 1: Unpack your mattress

After purchasing your memory foam mattress, it is crucial to unpack it immediately. Memory foam mattresses come in a compressed form, and leaving it compressed for an extended period may affect its quality.

Step 2: Let it expand fully

Once you unpack your memory foam mattress, let it expand fully for at least 24-48 hours. This allows the foam to reach its maximum size and shape.

Step 3: Sleep on it every night

The best way to break in a memory foam mattress is by sleeping on it every night. Your body weight and heat will help mold and soften the foam. It may take a few weeks to a month for the memory foam to adjust fully.

Step 4: Rotate the mattress periodically

Rotating the mattress periodically helps to distribute the weight evenly, preventing the mattress from sagging or forming uneven dents.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for Breaking in Memory Foam Mattress

1. Use a mattress topper to reduce the firmness of your mattress. 2. Walk or jump on your mattress to help break it in faster. 3. Use a heating pad to soften the foam and help it contour to your body. 4. Sleep on your mattress naked, as clothing can create a barrier between you and the foam. 5. Use a bed frame with slats to provide ventilation to the mattress. 6. Avoid placing heavy objects on the mattress, as this may affect its shape. 7. Use a low-density memory foam mattress for a softer feel. 8. Place a rolled-up towel or blanket under your knees to help your body adjust to the mattress. 9. Place your mattress in direct sunlight to help soften the foam. 10. Be patient and give your mattress time to break in fully.

Pros and Cons of Breaking in Memory Foam Mattress


1. The foam conforms to your body, providing excellent support and comfort. 2. Breaking in the mattress helps to extend its lifespan. 3. A well-broken-in memory foam mattress reduces motion transfer, allowing you to sleep soundly. 4. A softer mattress is ideal for individuals with joint pain or other body aches.


1. The process of breaking in a memory foam mattress can take time and patience. 2. Some individuals may find the foam too soft or uncomfortable. 3. Memory foam mattresses can retain heat, making it uncomfortable to sleep in during hot weather. 4. It may not be suitable for individuals who prefer a firmer mattress.

My Personal Review on Breaking in Memory Foam Mattress

Breaking in my memory foam mattress took some time, but it was worth the wait. Initially, the mattress felt too firm, but after a few weeks of sleeping on it, the foam softened and contoured to my body. The process of breaking in the mattress was easy, and I used a combination of sleeping on it every night and rotating it periodically. The end result was a comfortable and supportive mattress that provided a good night’s sleep.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: How long does it take to break in a memory foam mattress?

A: It may take a few weeks to a month for the memory foam to adjust fully.

Q: Can I speed up the process of breaking in a memory foam mattress?

A: Yes, you can speed up the process by using a heating pad, walking or jumping on the mattress, or placing it in direct sunlight.

Q: Will breaking in my memory foam mattress affect its lifespan?

A: No, breaking in your memory foam mattress will extend its lifespan. It allows the foam to adjust to your body, preventing it from sagging or forming uneven dents.

Q: Can I use a mattress topper to reduce the firmness of my mattress?

A: Yes, using a mattress topper can help reduce the firmness of your mattress, making it more comfortable to sleep on.

9 Tips to Help Break in Your Memory Foam Mattress Terry Cralle
9 Tips to Help Break in Your Memory Foam Mattress Terry Cralle from