How To Convert Your Entertainment Center For A Flat Screen Tv

How To Convert Your Entertainment Center For A Flat Screen Tv


If you’re like most people, you’ve probably upgraded your old tube TV to a sleek new flat screen. The only problem? Your old entertainment center is now too small, too outdated, or both. Don’t worry, though. With a little bit of creativity and some elbow grease, you can convert your entertainment center to accommodate your new TV.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Measure Your TV

Before you do anything else, measure your TV. This will give you an idea of how much space you need to create in your entertainment center. Be sure to measure the width, height, and depth of your TV.

Step 2: Empty Your Entertainment Center

Take everything out of your entertainment center. This will give you a blank canvas to work with. You’ll want to clean it out while it’s empty, too.

Step 3: Remove Any Obstacles

If there are any shelves, dividers, or other obstacles in your entertainment center, remove them. You want to create as much open space as possible.

Step 4: Create a New Shelf

If your entertainment center doesn’t have a shelf that’s wide enough for your TV, you’ll need to create one. Measure the width of your TV and cut a piece of wood to that size. Then, install it as a new shelf.

Step 5: Add Cable Management

Make sure you have a way to manage your cables. You can buy cable management systems online or at your local home improvement store. They’ll help keep your cords organized and out of sight.

Step 6: Paint or Stain Your Entertainment Center

If your entertainment center is outdated or doesn’t match your decor, you can paint or stain it. Choose a color that matches your room’s decor and apply it evenly.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas

1. Use a piece of wood or metal to create a new shelf for your TV. 2. Add a soundbar to your entertainment center for better audio quality. 3. Install LED lights behind your TV to create a cool backlight effect. 4. Use a cord cover to hide your cables and keep them organized. 5. Paint or stain your entertainment center to match your decor. 6. Create additional storage by adding baskets or bins to your entertainment center. 7. Use a TV mount to hang your TV on the wall above your entertainment center. 8. Add a decorative piece, like a vase or picture frame, to the top of your entertainment center. 9. Install a power strip inside your entertainment center to make it easier to plug in all of your devices. 10. Use a surge protector to protect your TV and other devices from power surges.

Pros and Cons

Pros: – You can save money by repurposing your old entertainment center. – You can customize your entertainment center to fit your new TV and decor. – You can add additional storage or features, like LED lights or a soundbar. Cons: – It can be time-consuming to convert your entertainment center. – You may need to purchase additional materials, like wood or cable management systems. – Your entertainment center may not be able to accommodate larger TVs.

Personal Review

I recently converted my old entertainment center for my new flat screen TV, and I’m really happy with how it turned out. I added a new shelf and a soundbar, and I painted it to match my living room decor. It was definitely a lot of work, but it was worth it. Now, my entertainment center looks like it was made for my TV.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: Can I convert any entertainment center for a flat screen TV? A: It depends on the size of your TV and the size of your entertainment center. You’ll need to measure your TV and your entertainment center to determine if it’s possible. Q: How much does it cost to convert an entertainment center for a flat screen TV? A: The cost will vary depending on the materials you need and whether you hire someone to do the work for you. It’s possible to do it yourself for less than $100. Q: Can I still use my old entertainment center for other devices, like a DVD player or game console? A: Yes, you can still use your entertainment center for other devices. Just make sure you have enough space and cable management to accommodate them.

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