How Much Does It Cost To Reface Kitchen Cabinets?

How Much Does It Cost To Reface Kitchen Cabinets?

The Basics of Refacing Kitchen Cabinets

Refacing kitchen cabinets is a popular way to give your kitchen a fresh, new look without having to spend a lot of money on a complete kitchen remodel. Refacing involves replacing the doors and drawer fronts of your existing cabinets with new ones, while leaving the cabinet boxes in place. This means that the cabinet layout and structure remains the same, but the appearance of the cabinets is updated.

Step by Step Guide for Refacing Kitchen Cabinets

1. Measure your cabinets – Measure the width and height of each cabinet box and record the measurements. 2. Choose your materials – Decide on the materials you want to use for the doors and drawer fronts. Common materials include wood, laminate, and thermofoil. 3. Remove old cabinet doors and drawer fronts – Use a screwdriver to remove the old doors and drawer fronts. Be careful not to damage the cabinet boxes. 4. Install new cabinet doors and drawer fronts – Install the new doors and drawer fronts using a drill and screws. 5. Install new hardware – Install new hardware such as handles and knobs on the doors and drawer fronts.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for Refacing Kitchen Cabinets

1. Consider painting your existing cabinets instead of refacing them. 2. Choose a neutral color scheme for your cabinets that will stand the test of time. 3. Don’t forget about the hardware – new hardware can make a big difference in the overall look of your cabinets. 4. Consider adding glass doors to some of your cabinets for a modern touch. 5. Mix and match materials to create a unique look. 6. Add lighting under your cabinets to highlight your new doors and drawer fronts. 7. Consider adding open shelving in place of some of your upper cabinets. 8. Add a backsplash to complete the look of your new cabinets. 9. Don’t forget about the inside of your cabinets – consider adding organizers and pull-out shelves for added functionality. 10. Hire a professional to ensure that the job is done right.

Pros and Cons of Refacing Kitchen Cabinets

Pros: – Cost-effective way to update the look of your kitchen – Faster than a complete kitchen remodel – Can be done without disrupting your daily routine – No need to replace the entire cabinet structure Cons: – Limited options for cabinet layout changes – Cabinets may not be as durable as new ones – May not add significant value to your home

My Personal Review on Refacing Kitchen Cabinets

I recently had my kitchen cabinets refaced and I am extremely happy with the results. The process was relatively quick and painless, and the cost was much lower than a complete kitchen remodel. I chose a neutral color scheme and added new hardware, which gave my kitchen a fresh, modern look. The only downside was that I wasn’t able to make any layout changes to my cabinets, but overall, I am very satisfied with the decision to reface rather than replace.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: How long does it take to reface kitchen cabinets? A: The timeline for refacing kitchen cabinets varies depending on the size and complexity of your kitchen, but typically it takes 3-5 days. Q: Can I reface my cabinets myself? A: Refacing kitchen cabinets is a job best left to professionals, as it requires specialized tools and expertise. Q: How much does it cost to reface kitchen cabinets? A: The cost of refacing kitchen cabinets varies depending on the size of your kitchen and the materials you choose, but typically ranges between $3,500 and $7,500.

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