Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor Ideas

Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor Ideas


The kitchen is the heart of any home. It is where we cook, eat and spend time with our loved ones. One of the most overlooked areas in a kitchen is the space above the cabinets. With a little creativity and some inspiration, this space can be transformed into a beautiful and functional addition to your kitchen decor.

Current Trends in Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor Ideas

The current trend in kitchen decor is to create a cohesive and stylish look that reflects your personal taste. One of the best ways to achieve this is by incorporating the space above your kitchen cabinets into your design scheme. Some popular trends for top of kitchen cabinets decor include: – Greenery and Plants: Adding plants and greenery to the top of your kitchen cabinets is a great way to bring life and freshness into your space. Consider adding trailing vines or tall plants to create a lush and inviting look. – Artwork and Decorative Objects: Another popular trend is to use the space above your cabinets to display artwork and decorative objects. This can include anything from paintings and sculptures to vintage signs and books. – Lighting: Adding lighting to the top of your cabinets is a great way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your kitchen. Consider installing LED strip lights or pendant lights to illuminate your space.

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor

1. Use baskets and bins to organize and store items on top of your cabinets. 2. Incorporate greenery and plants to add life and freshness to your space. 3. Use decorative objects and artwork to create a cohesive and stylish look. 4. Consider adding lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. 5. Use the space to display your favorite collections, such as vintage plates or teapots. 6. Add a pop of color with decorative vases or candles. 7. Use the space to store cookbooks or other kitchen essentials. 8. Incorporate seasonal decor, such as pumpkins and gourds for fall or holiday decorations for Christmas. 9. Use the space to display your favorite kitchen gadgets or appliances. 10. Keep it simple and clean by using a monochromatic color scheme or a few key pieces.

Pros and Cons of Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor Ideas

Pros: – Adds a stylish and functional element to your kitchen decor. – Provides additional storage space for items that may not fit in your cabinets. – Allows you to display your favorite collections and artwork. Cons: – Can be difficult to reach and clean. – May collect dust and debris over time. – Can look cluttered and disorganized if not styled properly.

My Personal Review on Top Of Kitchen Cabinet Decor Ideas

As someone who loves to cook and entertain, I have found that incorporating the space above my kitchen cabinets into my decor has been a game-changer. Not only does it provide additional storage space, but it also allows me to showcase my favorite collections and add a personal touch to my space. I have found that using a combination of greenery, decorative objects and lighting has created a warm and inviting atmosphere that my guests love.

Question & Answer and FAQs

Q: How do I reach the space above my kitchen cabinets? A: You can use a step stool or ladder to reach the space above your kitchen cabinets. Q: What are some good plants to use on top of kitchen cabinets? A: Some good plants to use include trailing vines, tall plants like fiddle leaf figs and snake plants, and small succulents. Q: How do I clean the space above my kitchen cabinets? A: You can use a duster or vacuum attachment to clean the space above your kitchen cabinets.

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